India has always been known for her rich culture from the Vedic times. Indians have been using several herbs and plants to treat various medical anomalies. The ancient science of Ayurveda relies much on these plants for various pain management to weight management and everything in between. Quite literally, this country has been a boon to this world. One such important herb and a part of Ayurveda is Neem. Each part of the Neem tree has medicinal value that benefits us unparallel. Neem has been a part of the Indian herbal beauty tradition for thousands of years. Though seeds, leaves and bark of the tree are excellent pest controllers, Neem also does wonders for your health. Natural Neem Water can be used as a skin-toner on regular basis to clear acne, scars and pigmentation. Applying Neem water on your face after a long day of work lightens skin blemishes, treats dry skin and delays aging of the skin. The regenerative properties in Neem help fight pathogens below skin’s surface. Your skin remains hydrated and young as a result. Applying Pure Neem Water at night after your skin routine can reduce the effects of aging, treats dandruff and cures dark circle problems. It helps in reducing pigmentation and also acts as a moisturizing agent. I would personally recommend this herb for the skin as well as oral benefits. Neem possesses excellent antibacterial properties that have antifungal and antiviral properties which are good for your health in general. These medicinal properties of Neem fit perfectly with your daily skincare routine. The word Lavender originated from ‘Lavandula’ which comes from the Latin word ‘lavo’ which means ‘to wash’. Lavender is considered to be one of the most popular aromatic and therapeutic herbs that are native to the Mediterranean, Middle East, and India. It has made its presence in various cosmetics and beauty products while also being a popular choice for aromatherapy. Pure Lavender Water can be used to balance your skin tone while cleansing and purifying your skin. It also acts as a powerful astringent that softens skin and leaves you refreshed. Natural Lavender Water helps fight against skin aging and provides a wide spectrum of topical uses, making it ideal for hair and skin application. Apart from its soothing scent, Pure Lavender Water is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that are easily absorbed by the skin. Natural Lavender Water also possesses anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties that make it great for the treatment of acne and eczema. Just when you would think Lavender Water only detoxifies from the inside, it also flushes out toxins and pollutants off your skin. Used for cleansing, relaxing, and healing, Natural Lavender Water also fights off the free radicals that damage your skin cells. |